Benjamin, Chaise & Associates.
The most trusted name in Asset Recovery.
See what Benjamin, Chaise & Associates can do for you.
We are a California based full service commercial debt collection agency servicing clients across the nation.
With years of experience and extensive knowledge in the collection industry, Benjamin, Chaise & Associates is the choice to make when considering the best collection agency in California to help you with your delinquent accounts.
Many business owners lose out on their past due accounts due to difficult debtors or time constraints.
We offer services of contingency based collections. With a vast experience in this field and the expertise of our commercial debt collectors, we can declare ourselves as one of the best debt recovery companies in the USA.

Benjamin, Chiase & Associates…
A Trusted Name.

Call today and see how we can help you get your money back!
Why Choose Benjamin, Chaise & Associates

BCA is the choice to make when considering a company to help you with your delinquent accounts.
In Depth Research
Our collectors are equipped with the most up-to-date forensic skip tracing software.
Contingency Collections
We collect on a contingency basis. If we are unable to collect, you pay nothing for our services.

Debt Collection Specialists
We employ only Debt Collection Specialists who are experienced and knowledgeable in the field of forensic collection techniques.
Credit Reporting
We have the ability & option to report accounts to all major credit reporting bureaus.